Commercial Project

The tiger’s eye

“The Great Gathering” spiritual music festival hosted its first-ever event with a unique and innovative feature – projection mapping at a waterfall. The organizers of the event asked us to…

HeartBox —Interactive Cardiovascular pills box

“How might we add some human in medical product” HeartBox is a cardiovascular pills box developed by Faculty of nursing in Chiang Rai, Thailand. This is the collaboration with Chiang…

Hospital Online Experience

In 2019, a hospital in Thailand sought to enhance their online platform to improve the patient experience. As the user experience/product development researcher, I conducted field research on both patients…

Whizdom club 3D printing workshop

Whizdom Society is a knowledge-sharing community for young urbanites. They can attend forums, seminars, and workshops to learn from experts and discover their potential by exploring new knowledge, skills, and…